Created by Jennifer Ilse and Paul Herwig
Additional direction Sears Eldredge
Choreography - Jennifer Ilse
Set/Lights - Paul Herwig
Costumes - Kym Longhi
Text - Max Sparber
Performed by - Jennifer Ilse, Paul Herwig, Kym Longhi (original production with Elena Giannetti)
Additional direction Sears Eldredge
Choreography - Jennifer Ilse
Set/Lights - Paul Herwig
Costumes - Kym Longhi
Text - Max Sparber
Performed by - Jennifer Ilse, Paul Herwig, Kym Longhi (original production with Elena Giannetti)
“A Gift for Planet BX63” is the story of a girl living a simple existence on a little planet at the far edge of a distant galaxy, narrated by a Black Hole, who one day is visited by a trans-dimensional space salesman, changing her life forever. Inspired by the book The Little Prince and the film The Gods Must Be Crazy, the play combines intricate acrobatic dance with richly theatrical characterizations in a set that envelops the audience in the remote beauty of deep space.