Created by Paul Herwig
Directed by Jennifer Ilse
Set, Lights, Sound - Paul Herwig
Music by - The Lonesome Organist
Performed by Paul Herwig, Jennifer Ilse (with set animators Taous Claire Khazem and Jodi Hodgeson)
Directed by Jennifer Ilse
Set, Lights, Sound - Paul Herwig
Music by - The Lonesome Organist
Performed by Paul Herwig, Jennifer Ilse (with set animators Taous Claire Khazem and Jodi Hodgeson)
Philip Guston, a quintessential American Painter, rose among the socially conscious muralists of the WPA and went on to create hazy abstract vistas that sought to inter the persistent ghosts of his haunted life. At the peak of his career, to almost universal condemnation, he abandoned "all that purity" and forged a deeply personal, brutish and cartoon-like iconography that were confined to a series of hot-pink loony landscapes that were his canvasses. Guston has since become a touchstone for several generations of young artists who are the contemporary scene.