Created by Paul Herwig and Jennifer Ilse
Directed by Jennifer Ilse
Set, Lights, Soundscore by Paul Herwig
Performed by: Paul Herwig, Katie Kaufmann, Clint Jeffrey, (revival with Brently Micheal Davis), Heather bunch, Sophie Breitag, Isabelle Morris
Directed by Jennifer Ilse
Set, Lights, Soundscore by Paul Herwig
Performed by: Paul Herwig, Katie Kaufmann, Clint Jeffrey, (revival with Brently Micheal Davis), Heather bunch, Sophie Breitag, Isabelle Morris
A wicked little tale about a wretched little man who hates the world so much that he locks himself up in a kitchen cupboard forever. At once broadly comic and obsessively dark, and performed entirely in Franglais, the show takes place in an interactive set on a claustrophobic stage where ethereal visions and nightmarish images weave the threads of a story involving a broken heart and a missing child. The stage is filled with enormous Joseph Cornell-like memory boxes out of which emerge the imaginary characters of a hateful mind.edit.