Created by Jennifer Ilse
Direction & Choreography - Jennifer Ilse
Music Composition - Reid Kruger
Set - Paul Herwig
Lighting - Paul Epton
Performed by: Jennifer Ilse, Karla Grotting, Adena Brumer, Brian Evans, Bryan Gerber, Kaori Kenmotsu, Jennifer Mack, and John Zeiler (with Elena Giannetti as the Prosecutor in the original production)
Direction & Choreography - Jennifer Ilse
Music Composition - Reid Kruger
Set - Paul Herwig
Lighting - Paul Epton
Performed by: Jennifer Ilse, Karla Grotting, Adena Brumer, Brian Evans, Bryan Gerber, Kaori Kenmotsu, Jennifer Mack, and John Zeiler (with Elena Giannetti as the Prosecutor in the original production)
Based on co-director Jennifer Ilse's experience serving as a juror on a murder trial, and performed by a powerful cast of dancers and actors immersed in a visual world of fabric and sculpture, The Jury is our search for the balance between social and individual responsibility for our young women and men who use and experience violence as part of their daily lives. The Jury is born from the hope that we each have the power to make real change in our community.
Photos by Betsy Munro Jeffrey